Whether you’re just not into breaking the bank for a bouquet, or you love our push for sustainability, Presley will give you an option to get more beautiful flowers for less.
More flowers, for less. PERIOD.
There are two ways to get your hands on Presley stems:
Sign up for delivery.
Join our pilot program and we will send you an email every time we have a new batch of florals coming. Our base price is $35 for 15 stems + delivery. We can either pre-arrange a bouquet (with as many stems as you would like) or you can select them from our stem buckets upon delivery.
Find us at a pop-up near you.
We are partnering with local businesses around the Bay Area to bring Presley stems to as many of you as we can! Follow us on Socials (IG + TikTok) to find out where we will be next.
* Bay Area Only *
* Bay Area Only *
This pilot program is kicking off in the Bay Area, though we hope to expand ASAP! If you are located outside of the Bay Area but still interested in Presley Stems, please still sign up via the form and we will let you know as soon as we expand!